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Faith Community Nurse

The Faith Community Nurse helps individuals and families understand and live the integration of faith and health.

Altar Guild

At American Lutheran many answer God’s call through their prayers and service to others.  One of the ways to serve the church is by becoming a member of the Altar Guild. The Altar Guild is open to both men and women of the church. The Altar Guild is a ministry of the liturgy. This ministry involves preparing the worship space with the furnishings, appointments, vessels, linens, and paraments used in the liturgy. The Altar Guild is responsible for preparing communion for church services. Members are scheduled on a monthly basis to perform their duties on the Altar Guild. New members are always welcome. To learn more, contact the church office.


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This information is designed for the purpose of helping you plan your wedding in harmony with Christian understandings of marriage and in keeping with the worship practices of American Lutheran Church.

Church Rental Fees

Chruch services and room rentals are scheduled through the church office in consultation with the pastor of ALC.

Funeral Services

Trusting in God’s promise in baptism that we are claimed by Christ forever, we rest in the sure hope of the resurrection.

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